Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

Whale school von Dr. Ingrid Visser auf Pico

Nun ist es soweit. Die erste Whale School der Welt hat begonnen.

Die bekannte Orca Forscherin aus Neuseeland und die deutsche Diplom Biologin führen den Wale und Delphine Workshop auf Pico mit Pico Sport durch. In den nächsten Tagen gibt es updates.

Übrigens hier ein Mitschnitt aus der ersten Konversation zwischen Dr. Ingrid Visser
(ORCA Forscherin) mit Dr. Erich Ritter (Haiforscher ).....
Ingrid begrüßte Ihn mit diesen Worten:


Hier Ingrid ( rechts ) im Gespräch mit Annette Scheffer ( Mitte ) und der Journalistin Bettina Kelm.

Im kommenden Jahr wird es die Whale school wieder geben. Bitte Infos anfordern unter www.whales-dolphins.net

Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010

Shark School in Pico

The first shark school at Pico has startet. Dr. Erich Ritter arrived and today we had our first check out dive.

The wind is arriving so we will not be able for 2 days to go to the blue water....but from Wednesday on it looks perfect.
We are loking for Blue shark and Mako shark. Also Erich and Frank Wirth want to establish a shark protection programm.

The sharks are still caught in the Azorean water for finning and making fish fingers out of their meet.....

Lets create Pico as a shark destination and help the species to survive...
......Erich and Frank are working on it.

Information at

pictures by Daniel Brinkmann
shark pictures by Jiri Reznizchek

Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010

Bryde Whales in Pico

What a Baleen Whale season.
In the last weeks we have still seen Baleen whales around. It looks like that there is still enough food to keep some of the Giants in our waters.
Since 2 days we once again have a very special guest, a Bryde Whale.
Already 4 years ago we had a visitor from this species but now another one arrived. I hope this animal we stay with us during the summer......

Pictures by Daniel Brinckmann

book your trip to see the Whales at Pico at

Montag, 12. Juli 2010

a crazy Leatherback Turtle

Last week Jiri Reznizek from Czech Republic was working with spermwhales when a giant 500 kg Leatherback Turtle appeared. In 18 years working at Pico we never saw such a huge individual.....and it was so playfull. We could not believe what we saw when she played more than 30 minutes with Jiri.....

But Jiri took also pictures from Spotted dolphins ......

....and Cachalote
