Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

Wonderfull Patagonia Expedition

Patagonia Project 19 years on the road.

Today we have left Peninsula Valdez and are moving 500 km south to Cabo dos Bahias Nationalpark. Here are some pictures what is comming up and whats behind us.

Imperial Cormorans nesting - Ria Deseado

Rockhopper penguins having a talk

Sea lions at Punts Alt - Peninsula Valdez

And the phantastic southern right whales at Peninsula Valdez

We are moving south and in the next days I will update this blog with more pictures and a report whats going on in Cabo dos Bahias National Park.

The next Expedition to Peninsula Valdez will be our Orca Camp 2012.
Ask us for information at

Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

Blue Note TV Team succesfull in Patagonia

Whale movie in D 3 comming soon.

Thank you Charles Finbeiner to edit this wonderfull clip for us.
It shows the beauty of the whales and their home.....

Patagonia trip - phantastic whales

Whales feeding in Valdez

This year we arrived Peninsula Valdez 2 days before fullmoon.
During these days crabs come easily to the surface and whales might feed....So we went out to look for them.....

Whale in Patagonia like to come close to the boats. Sometimes they show their flukes for hours....

Only on Fullmoon evening we can get this pictures. What a luck that the sea was calm and the whales in the mood.

Feeding at fullmoon days.....

In the next days i will publish more images from the last days. The 2012 trip is almost sold out. Only 6 seats are available for the unique experience with Frank Wirth
and his Team of Patagoniaproject.
Since 1993 we enjoy the Company of the whales in Patagonia.